M&A Lawyers

We Help Entrepreneurs, Searchers, Family Offices, First Nations and investor groups acquire Profitable Small & Mid-size businesses in Canada with sustainable cash flow.

Our strategic focus, expertise and invaluable network optimizes your acquisitions to ensure the highest quality M&A legal support during your acquisition search.Our goal is to help you with critical M&A legal advice at each stage of your deal in order for you to make the best decisions, meet critical deadlines, protect your investment and build for future success and growth of your acquired business.Get in touch with us today to discuss your acquisition search.

© 2023 Tetrapolar. All rights reserved.


We help entrepreneurs, searchers (self-funded & traditional), family offices, First Nations, private equity and other investment groups buy profitable founder-led and family-owned growth businesses in Canada with enterprise values of $1M - $50M.Our in-depth experience providing legal advice on hundreds of M&A deals uniquely positions us to help:1. Optimize the structure of your acquisition.2. Enhance key components of your Letter of Intent.3. Conduct high quality M&A due diligence to uncover & mitigate hidden risks and liabilities.4. Prepare a comprehensive Purchase Agreement to protect your investment.5. Keep your acquisition on track to meet critical deadlines with a timely closing.6. Ensure a seamless transition of ownership and integration of operations to maintain the post-acquisition profitability and stability of your acquired business.PRICING:We offer transparent and predictable pricing. No surprises.


Stefan McConnell is the founder of Tetrapolar. Stefan has a passion for helping entrepreneurs and searchers who share his values of financial independence, freedom and family.Stefan is a former M&A Partner at a national Canadian law firm with over 17 years of experience of business acquisitions.He has acted as legal counsel on hundreds of M&A deals in Canada for strategic buyers, private equity, pension funds, searchers (self-funded & traditional), family offices and entrepreneurs.


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